Self-Care: Mirror Mirror on The Wall
I resent the Greek mythology about Narcissus. He was written in history as a self-involved egoist. As the story goes, Narcissus discovered he haunting good looks when he saw his reflection in a pond. He loved what he saw so much that he fell into the pond. As a result, the narcissus flower sprouted from the water. He loved himself, accidentally fell into water and gave the world a beautiful flower is hardly a bad outcome. Adversely, Narcissus is associated with a mental condition called narcissism.
Tip: According Flowers & Plants by Interflora Narcissus is the proper name for the daffodil family. It is so called because its bulb houses a toxic substance – the Greek word 'narcissus' means 'numbness', so it is a reference to its narcotic nature.
When I googled "narcissism definition, " this is what appeared:
Narcissism is questionably synonymous with the terms: self-love and self-admiration. Unfortunately, this is a miseducation. When someone takes care of themselves it's not narcissism, but the first step in learning to care for other people. Understandably, taking care of yourself such as your mental, emotional and physical health is paramount. If either are compromised, then the person is limited in what they can give.
Oprah Winfrey eloquently spoke on self-care in an interview with Stanford Graduate School of Business' View From The Top speaker series on April 16, 2014.
“...that’s that’s the number one thing you have to do is to work on yourself and to fill your self up and keep your cup full keep yourself full...I considered it a compliment that I am full of myself, because only when you’re full, I’m full, I’m overflowing. My cup runneth over, I have so much to offer and so much to give. And I am not afraid of honoring myself. ”
Inspired to help others, I wanted to give back in a mirror reflection tutorial. In my experience, this strategy has helped me with problem-solving and decision-making. Below I feature the supplies I used during my mirror gazing session. I used my bathroom mirror, feel free to use a hand mirror. I have not used a compact mirror due to size. You want to be able to see your entire face.

+M.A.C. Ruby Woo:
+White Sage from Hood Witch:
+Palo Santo from Hood Witch:
+Window Markers from Hobby Lobby:
+Kendrick Lamar Journal from 4HipHopHeads:
+ Sandalwood incense from SpiritMoutainCrafts:
Overall, I hope this strategy can help another person when times are challenging. Taking care of yourself shouldn't be scrutinized. Only after you have taken care of yourself can you give unconditionally.
Shonchelle Shereé only owns the rights to her selfies 🤳🏽 and supplies, all other media are not mine.