There Will Be Blood: Part 2
Artist: Tim Skipper "Sleep in Red" | Source: 500 px
Day 1 through 3 is all about you:
- Decide what you are going to dedicate your moon to. Meditate or pray, whatever suits you, on the matter. Wear your pretty panties to celebrate. Wear red to celebrate your moontime.
- Have some red raspberry leaf tea for breakfast.
- Munch on your fruit of choice throughout the day
- Try to eat a full meal that has a predominate amount of veggies. 1 to 4 ratio if you eat meat. But, I advise not to eat red meat at this time because it will cause you to bleed more.
- Take a bath with Himalayan pink salt, a nice amount of Neem Oil and light some candles. Soak for at least 30 minutes. Baths help with cramps and relaxation. It brings down your cortisol levels and balances your emotions.
- Sleep.
Day 4 and 5:
- Take some time to thank your body for communicating with you This is your form of gratitude. If you want to change the way you view your period, then you are going to have to 'treat' yourself better during that time of the month. You're body is only a response to how you have treated yourself over a 'period' of time or during a 'cycle' in your life.
When it comes to CRAMPS:
- DANCE. Stomp your feet. Vibrations from your feet massage the uterus and helps with circulation of the blood flow. If you do not have the strength then get in child's pose and it will release some of the pelvic pressure.
Photographer: Tim Walker | W Magazine
When it comes to ANGER:
- Take a bath
- Journal
- Stretch/Yoga
- Breathe/Meditation
When it comes to FATIGUE:
- Rest
- Drink Tea
- Shower with citrus soaps
How can your spouse/children/friends help you out? They say it takes a village, and women are so quick to be ungrateful for a helping hand. Humble yourself and if you want a hand, take it. The following are ways your loved one can aid you in your process:
- Prepare tea for you
- A foot rub
- Run the bath for you with salts and oils
- Rub your lower back
- Rub your stomach
- Wash the dishes
- Complete the laundry
- Prepare the meals for the duration of your moon (spouse)
I hope this helps and you find that you are loved and accounted for in your process. May you celebrate your moon and rejoice with other women. Spread the word and support one another.
Shonchelle Shereé does not own the rights to any of the photos.