What's In My Shoebox: Self-Care
The current buzzword in the beauty industry is self-care. It's another reason to splurge on yourself from a vanity perspective. But, what about your internal self-care?
In my self-care shoebox I have a few items that keep me centered and unload from my hectic NYC days. Check out the photos below.
I'm a huge fan of palo santo and have raved about it in past blog posts. It's only because it has some great benefits for emotional self-care. Just remember: when you feel distresses, palo santo is best.
Palo Santo
Holy Wood
Set the mood with a little aromatherapy. Sandalwood, Orange, Lemon, and Rose Oils promote positive energy, happiness and love. TIP: If you're doing a morning bath orange or lemon with energize you and brighten your mood. Sandalwood will ground you and attract happy energy, while rose can be aded to a night bathe. Just like lavender, rose subdues the scenes and aids with sleeping.
Sandalwood incense cones reaffirm positivity in your space of love. Alternative incense cones: amber, frankincense and myrrh or nag champa.
Incense Cones
White Sage is the most commonly recognized sage of them all. Burn in the place where you will take your bath in a clockwise position if you want to welcome newness. Sage clears and voids all energy in the room. TIP: crack a window when burning woods and incense. You don't want to trap residual energy in your space.
A Rose Quartz Wand is to massage away the physical aches and body pains. Tension in the body is held in the neck, shoulders, and lower back.
Yellow, pink, or white candles are an excellent way to reinforce scent as well as attraction. Yummy yellow is great for mood lifter and happy vibes. Next, pleasant pink is all about love, self-love and gratitude. Whispering white can represent whatever pleases you. White works as a neutral, so if you are able to grab the other colors, white is your go to.
Treat yourself to roses
Pink colored candles
Dead Sea Salt has beneficial properties such as: hydration, cleanses, disinfects, and heals chronic skin conditions.
If you're extra like me, then you'll want to take your bath experience to the next level with color therapy. Mix and blend skin safe colors (safe for bath bombs) to create your perfect hue. Click here to purchase a set.
Skin Safe food Coloring
Click on the photo icon to find out Shonchelle Shereé™ top picks for spring and summer shoes for women who wear size 12!