
Keeping It Real About Confidence


It took me awhile to get here, but I've arrived. The truth is being a female entrepreneur is not easy or glamorous (initially), but it is exciting. It's not easy in the sense that most of my paycheck goes to rent, groceries and shoe materials. Highlighting the pros: I've learned how to budget like a beast, be more decisive, and cook like a pro.  Moreover, I don't have the disposable income to flush down the drain for the latest Fendi bag, YSL concealer or takeout. With that being said, I have learned to be a better designer by using inspiration from my perception of life  assembled multiple pairs of shoes, designed my website, etc. 

My challenges have become my greatest gifts. For instance, my struggles have helped me by negotiating cheaper prices on fabrics or getting a sample at a reduced price. 

You're probably wondering what does this have to do with confidence? It has everything to do with it! 

While living in Houston, Texas I worked as an 7th grade writing Teacher. I was single, educated and exploring my new found adulthood. While teaching children is a blessing, being a teacher is hard work. So, pampering myself was not only a reward, but a requirement. 


Good ol' New York City changed that. I had to budget, '86' my acrylic embellished nails, massages and dining out (a source of entertainment in Houston). No more turning my nose up at sale items. Although, I loved vintage shopping, which became my saving grace. In retrospect, just typing how I used to spend is pure hilarity to me. Basically, I relinquished the bs that didn't serve a purpose in my life. Thus, I became a woman in New York. 

I can laugh about it now. But, the journey screwed with my self-confidence. How so? Well, as you may know New York is a fashion capital. It's full of the fashion elite down to the fashion wannabes. Since, my sole purpose was to move to NYC to design shoes for women with extended size feet, I had to be on the fashion scene.  

Unfortunately, fashion houses would not hire me due to lack of experience. But, I kept going even though with every no my confidence got smaller and smaller. Furthermore, I questioned why I was in the business. It was as if all the companies wanted me to come readymade, with years of experience and a degree in design. Consequently, this made me question myself, my worth, even my passion.

I had just cracked. My breaking point was when I had just weaved together a perforated pattern that I cut, laid out and taped to a flaming red board. It fell all over the 2 train floor. Passengers helped me collect the pieces and placed it in my lap.

Ladies, it took me countless hours to put this pattern together. I had to measure and cut each piece, weave it perfectly and then secure it on the board. It was done. I went home and cried. I died. I screamed. I closed the door and pulled the curtains shut. Picture Lady Gaga in Marry The Night video. My confidence was shot at this point. The audience I had built over the years expected to see a pair of shoes. They were waiting.............following my Snapchat story and I had nothing to show.  

Today, I woke up with hope again. The need to assist my sole sisters, uplift them and cheerlead them into success. I won't give up on you or myself for that matter. Winners never quit and quitters never win. I truly believe in this statement. I will not stop until every woman with large feet has a pair of Shonchelle Shereé shoes in their closet. 

This is because I get you, your struggles, your challenges, your goals, your fears, your passion, and your aim. You have a voice in this world. You need the shoes to give you the confidence to sachet through your complex life with grace.

None of the images displayed belong to Shonchelle Shereé.