
Unconventional Makeup for the Bold Woman

Don't get me wrong I love a full blown face beat with contour, highlight and bold lips. In some instances this face works, i.e. a date, an important dinner, a work affair, a photoshoot session for the Gods, and even on social media. However, the tedious process that goes into vamping has lead me to the "no makeup" makeup look. In short, this includes tinted moisturizer (or full coverage foundation), blush, lipgloss, mascara and a well-groomed brow. Thanks to companies like Glossier and Milk, these looks have been marketed as the new makeup face of the millennial woman. I'd have to say this is a great ploy to get skincare companies more recognition and boost sales, but I digress. 




Who doesn't want to sport lilac eyebrows with matching mascara? Yes, it's a little out there. O.K. it all the way out there. However, as a woman I'm sure you've heard the old adage, "Women are to be seen and not heard." So, give them what they want and let them feast. 

On the other hand, what about the girl that doesn't want to commit to a photoshoot-ready-beat or a natural-girl-next-door look? I have collected a few looks to diversify yourself from the current makeup trends. Of course, these looks translate as unconventional. However, women are the pentacle of creation, they inspire and bring forth movement.  

Additionally, these makeup looks speak to the artist (or writer, singer, designer, and child) in you. I do believe makeup is taking a courageous turn for the better. As women are getting bolder, they are freeing their nipples, dying their hair unicorn hues and skimping on acrylics for minimalist nail paint jobs.  In this case, what women do with their makeup defines their perspective on beauty. It's about her voice. It's about her choice. Women define beauty because they are the reason it exists. Others just bare witness to the artistry. 

Shonchelle Shereé does not own the rights to any of the photos.