
Your Voice Matters: Read Below On How To Help The Extended-Size Shoe Market

After conducting much research on the extended-size shoe market (ESSM), I realized several important factors:

  1. There is little to no footwear research conducted on the extended-size shoe market.
  2. Retail buyers procure small quantities of large footwear because they are unsure if customers will buy them. As a (frequent) result, retail buyers buy a few pairs because they figure if they buy only a few pairs then the small quantity should sale.
  3. Women with a foot size of 10 and above are not always tall and some of them range between 5'3 to 5'6.
  4. We're not actually concerned about cost. We're more concerned about design fashion. There's nothing new here. We're women. We understand that affordability is important, but not as important as craftsmanship and aesthetics. We prefer the best of both worlds fashion and comfort. We like brains and beauty. And they say your shoes say a lot about you ;-)
  5. I can spot an extended-size shoe wearer, not by the length of her feet, but by her height, shoe brand, (Converses are a dead giveaway), her heels are 3.5 inches high, and whether or not her shoes "truly" match her ensemble. This means her shoe "kinda" go with her outfit. For example, she's wearing a sexy little black dress to a swanky happy hour in pair of dressy flip flops. It's sad, but we've all been there.---Ok, that has nothing to do with quantitative research, but it is qualitative and relevant to our shoe struggle.

Thus, us women of the Stand Tall Sorority need recognition. The ITSFY survey will shed more light on us in the footwear industry. Click here to complete the 3 minute survey. It takes less time than it would for you to stalk that hottie from the gym on his Instagram page.

Help us out by taking the survey.

We stand for the best. We demand fashion forward footwear. We will be heard. No more ugly shoes. Ban them. Burn them and complete the survey.

Shonchelle ShereeComment